Anderson Goin

Words by Anderson Goin

My art is an exploration of the environments that surround me, both physical and emotional. I like to focus on the interplay between humanity and nature, between structure and chaos. Through my work, I seek to capture the relationship of these interactions, to deconstruct the environments I encounter and reconstruct them into simple yet compelling compositions. I want to invite viewers to delve deeper into their own perceptions of the spaces and environments they occupy on a daily basis.

My work often simplifies complex environments, both external and internal, into their most essential elements. By stripping away extraneous details, it is easier to focus on the underlying patterns and rhythms that we find ourselves surrounded by everyday. I often find myself reflecting on past experiences, recalling the textures, colors, and shapes that left a lasting impression on me. These memories serve as a source of inspiration, informing the aesthetic choices I make in my work. By drawing upon these recollections, I aim to instill my work with a sense of nostalgia and familiarity.

Ultimately, my goal as an artist is to create compositions that resonate on a deeply personal level while also sparking a broader conversation about the nature of perception and experience. Through my exploration of environments and the memories they evoke, I hope to encourage viewers to reconsider their own relationship with the world around them, finding beauty and meaning in the seemingly mundane moments of everyday life.


Austin Sumrall on Inspiration and Memory